Wio Terminal
Wio Terminal: ATSAMD51 Core with Realtek RTL8720DN BLE 5.0 & Wi-Fi 2.4G/5G Dev Board
Introduction In this tutorial we are going to learn about how to install and configure an open source personal cloud called NextCloud in a Orange pi zero single board computer. What is NextCloud? Nextcloud offers the industry-leading, on-premises content collaboration platform. NextCloud technology combines the convenience and ease of use of consumer-grade solutions like Dropbox
NextCloud Server In Orange Pi Zero Read More »
Introduction Google deprecated The Google Assistant Library for Python as of June 28th, 2019 and instead, they are telling to use the Google Assistant Service. The major thing is that they have removed hands-free activation ie the hot-word (ok google / hey google) activation. Now if you want to talk to your raspberry pi google assistant
Raspberry Pi is no more having Google assistant Hot-Word wakeup. Read More »
Have you stuck with your raspberry pi project because you don’t have an HDMI monitor and a spare keyboard to work with, well don’t worry. You can enable the SSH in raspberry in the first boot itself from your laptop without any monitor and keyboard.