Raspbian OS is the official operating system for the Raspberry Pi, a popular single-board computer that can be used for various projects, such as robotics, gaming, home automation, and more. Raspbian OS is based on Debian, a Linux distribution that is known for its stability and security.

One of the advantages of using Raspbian OS is that you can access the command line, which is a text-based interface that allows you to interact with the system using commands. The command line can be very useful for performing tasks that are difficult or impossible to do with the graphical user interface (GUI). For example, you can use the command line to configure the Raspberry Pi, install software, manage files, control the GPIO pins, and troubleshoot problems.
- pwd – Print Working Directory
- ls – List Files and Directories
- cd – Change Directory
- cp – Copy Files or Directories
- mv – Move or Rename Files
- rm – Remove Files or Directories
- cat- Display File Content
- find – Search for Files and Directories
- grep – Search Inside Files
- man – Display Manual Pages for Commands
- Conclusion
In this blog post, I will introduce you to 10 must known terminal commands in Raspbian OS for beginners. These commands will help you get started with the command line and make the most of your Raspberry Pi.
pwd – Print Working Directory
The pwd command stands for “print working directory”. It shows you the name of the current directory (or folder) that you are in. For example, if you type pwd and press Enter, you might see something like this:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pwd /home/pi
This means that you are in the /home/pi directory, which is the home directory of the user pi. The home directory is where you can store your personal files and settings.
ls – List Files and Directories
The ls command stands for “list”. It shows you the contents of the current directory. For example, if you type ls and press Enter, you might see something like this:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls Desktop Documents Downloads Music Pictures Public Templates Videos:
This means that you have eight subdirectories in your home directory, each with a different name. You can also use the ls command with some options to get more information about the files and directories. For example, you can use the -a option to show all files, including hidden ones, or the -l option to show more details, such as the size, date, and permissions of each file.
cd – Change Directory
The cd command stands for “change directory”. It allows you to move from one directory to another. For example, if you want to go to the Desktop directory, you can type cd Desktop and press Enter. You will see that the prompt changes to reflect the new directory:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd Desktop pi@raspberrypi:~/Desktop $
You can also use some shortcuts to navigate faster. For example, you can use cd .. to go back to the parent directory, or cd / to go to the root directory, which is the top-level directory of the system. You can also use cd ~ to go to your home directory, or cd – to go to the previous directory that you were in.
cp – Copy Files or Directories
The cp command stands for “copy”. It allows you to copy files and directories from one location to another. For example, if you want to copy a file called hello.txt from your home directory to your Desktop directory, you can type cp hello.txt Desktop and press Enter. You will see that a copy of the file is created in the Desktop directory, with the same name and contents as the original file.
cp source_file destination
You can also use the cp command with some options to modify the behavior of the copying process. For example, you can use the -r option to copy a directory and all its contents recursively, or the -i option to ask for confirmation before overwriting an existing file.
cp -r source_directory destination
mv – Move or Rename Files
The mv command stands for “move”. It allows you to move or rename files and directories. For example, if you want to move a file called hello.txt from your home directory to your Desktop directory, you can type mv hello.txt Desktop and press Enter. You will see that the file is moved to the Desktop directory, and no longer exists in the home directory.
mv source destination
You can also use the mv command to rename a file or directory. For example, if you want to rename a file called hello.txt to greeting.txt, you can type mv hello.txt greeting.txt and press Enter. You will see that the file is renamed, and still exists in the same directory.
mv old_name new_name
rm – Remove Files or Directories
The rm command stands for “remove”. It allows you to delete files and directories. For example, if you want to delete a file called hello.txt from your home directory, you can type rm hello.txt and press Enter. You will see that the file is deleted, and no longer exists in the home directory.
rm file_name
You can also use the rm command with some options to modify the behavior of the deleting process. For example, you can use the -r option to delete a directory and all its contents recursively, or the -i option to ask for confirmation before deleting a file or directory.
rm -r directory_name
cat- Display File Content
The cat command stands for “concatenate”. It allows you to display the contents of a file or multiple files, or to join them together. For example, if you want to display the contents of a file called hello.txt from your home directory, you can type cat hello.txt and press Enter. You will see the contents of the file on the screen.
cat filename
You can also use the cat command to join two or more files together. For example, if you want to join a file called hello.txt and a file called world.txt into a new file called greeting.txt, you can type cat hello.txt world.txt > greeting.txt and press Enter. You will see that a new file is created in the current directory, with the contents of both files.
find – Search for Files and Directories
The find command allows you to search for files and directories that match certain criteria. For example, if you want to find all the files that have the extension .txt in your home directory, you can type find ~ -name “*.txt” and press Enter. You will see a list of all the files that match the pattern, along with their paths.
You can also use the find command with some options to modify the search process. For example, you can use the -type option to specify the type of file or directory that you are looking for, such as -type f for regular files, or -type d for directories. You can also use the -size option to specify the size of the file or directory that you are looking for, such as -size +1M for files or directories that are larger than 1 megabyte.
grep – Search Inside Files
The grep command allows you to search for a specific string or pattern within one or more files. For example, if you want to search for the word “hello” in a file called greeting.txt from your home directory, you can type grep “hello” greeting.txt and press Enter. You will see all the lines that contain the word “hello” in the file.
You can also use the grep command with some options to modify the search process. For example, you can use the -i option to ignore the case of the letters, or the -v option to invert the search and show the lines that do not match the pattern. You can also use the -r option to search recursively in a directory and all its subdirectories.
man – Display Manual Pages for Commands
The man command stands for “manual”. It allows you to access the documentation or help page for any command that you want to learn more about. For example, if you want to learn more about the ls command, you can type man ls and press Enter. You will see a detailed description of the ls command, along with its syntax, options, and examples.
man command
You can also use the man command to search for a keyword or topic that you are interested in. For example, if you want to search for commands related to networking, you can type man -k networking and press Enter. You will see a list of commands that have the word “networking” in their description, along with a brief summary of each command.
Embracing the command line is a gateway to unleashing the true potential of your Raspberry Pi. These fundamental terminal commands are the building blocks of efficient and powerful interactions with your Raspberry Pi. As you become more familiar with these commands, you’ll find yourself navigating and managing your Raspberry Pi with ease and confidence.
I hope you found this blog post useful and learned some basic terminal commands in Raspbian OS for beginners. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. Happy tinkering!