Hello friends! My name is Nikolas and I am 15 years old. Today I’ll show you how to make a Smart Pull-Up Bar which, when you start doing Pull-Ups or Chin-Ups starts playing music in order to keep you motivated and after exercising for a certain period, a reward, a Tic Tac, in my instance gets dispensed! Make sure to watch the YouTube video below to see the Smart Pull-Up Bar in action and to follow the instructions from there if you prefer!

Table Of Contents
- Step 1: Understand How It Works
- Step 2: 3D Printing
- Step 3: Circuit:
- Step 4: Circuit Part 1
- Step 5: Circuit Part 2
- Step 6: Circuit Part 3
- Step 7: Circuit Part 4
- Step 8: Programming
- Step 9: Test/Troubleshooting
- Step 10: Circuit Board
- Step 11: Attaching the Servo
- Step 12: Pushing the Laser into the Clamp
- Step 13: Attaching the LDR to the Clamp
- STEP 14: Soldering
- Step 15: Attaching the DC Jack
- Step 16: Soldering the Switch
- Step 17: Attaching the Switch
- Step 18: Connecting Power to PCB
- Step 19: Connecting Servo to PCB
- Step 20: Connecting Speaker to PCB
- Step 21: Attaching PCB to Base
- Step 22: Cutting & Installing the Plastic Sheet
- Step 23: Installing the Laser to the Bar
- Step 24: Installing the LDR to the Bar
- Step 25: Aligning the Laser and the LDR
- Step 26: Glueing the Enclosure to the Wall
- Step 27: Connecting the Laser and the LDR to the PCB
- Step 29: Installing the Dispenser
- Step 30: Adding Cover
- Step 31: Adding Tic Tacs!
- Step 32: Congratulations the Project Is Now Complete!
Let’s first take a look at the components and tools we are going to need.