In the third lesson, we are going to learn to interface a momentary push button with Raspberry Pi and program to display some output on the screen when the push button is pressed.
Hardware Required

- Connect the 3.3v of Raspberry Pi to one of the terminal of Push Button.
- Connect the GPIO 4 (Physical pin 7) of Raspberry Pi to the other terminal of Push Button.
- Connect a pull down resistor from GPIO 4 to GND.
// // import*; // On the Raspberry Pi GPIO 4 is physical pin 7 on the header void setup() { GPIO.pinMode(4, GPIO.INPUT); background(0); } void draw() { if (GPIO.digitalRead(4) == GPIO.HIGH) { // button is pressed fill(255,0,0); // color changes to RED } else { // button is not pressed fill(0,204,0); // color changes to Green } ellipse(width/2, height/2, width*0.75, height*0.75); // to draw a circle }