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12v RGB LED with Arduino

12v rgb led with arduino


In this tutorial, we are going to learn about how to connect a 12v RGB LED strip with Arduino and how to program to make different color combinations and fading animations.

Things Required

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1k Resistor

You can use any NPN transistors like TIP120, TIP121, TIP122 of N-Channel MOSFETs like IRF540, IRF 530, based on your application you can change the transistors. the difference is that they have a different collector-emitter current rating. For example, if you are using a large length of RGB LED strip then to drive them you will be needing high current transistors like IRF540 which have Drain Current (Id): 28 Amps. Or if you need only a few LEDs then you can use any other NPN transistors like TIP120 which have Collector Current of 5 Amps continuous and 8 Amps peak

In this tutorial, I am using TIP120 and the pinout diagram is shown below. You can download the datasheet from here.

– TIP120


Complete Video Tutorial


Color Changing Program


#define red 9
#define green 10
#define blue 11
int t = 500;

void setup()


void loop()
  analogWrite(red, 255);
  analogWrite(green, 255);
  analogWrite(blue, 255);
  analogWrite(red, 0);
  analogWrite(green, 0);

Fading Program


#define red 9
#define green 10
#define blue 11
int brightness;
int fadeAmount = 5;

void setup()


void loop()

  analogWrite(red, brightness); //writing brightness value to red
  analogWrite(green, brightness); //writing brightness value to green

  brightness += fadeamount; //increasing brightness value by 5 in each loop

  if (brightness < 0 || brightness > 255 )
    fadeAmount = -fadeAmount; //reversing the direction of fading when brightness reachs 0 or 255
  delay(30); //delaying the speed of fading 

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