Below are some applications for Android & iOS which allow us to easily monitor and manage our Raspberry Pi.
Now it’s even possible to manage files, control the GPIO pins, send commands directly through the terminal, view images from a connected camera, and obtain data from different sensors.
1. Raspberry Pi Monitor
- Dark mode
- Zero setup
- Nothing will be installed on your raspberry pi
- CPU frequency
- CPU temperature
- CPU Utilization
- Load
2. RaspController
RaspController is the one that I am personally using for monitoring my Raspberry Pis. I have also installed a PiVPN in my home network so that I can access my Pis from outside my home network too.
- GPIO management (On/Off or impulsive function)
- File manager (Explore the content of Raspberry PI, copy, paste, delete, download and visualize properties of files, text editor)
- Shell SSH (Send custom commands to your Raspberry PI)
- Cpu, Ram, Storage, Network monitoring
- Camera (Shows images of the camera connected to the Raspberry PI)
- Custom user widgets
- Process list
- Support for DHT11/22 sensors (Humidity and temperature)
- Support for DS18B20 sensors (Temperature)
- Support for BMP sensors (Pressure, temperature, altitude)
- Support for Sense Hat
- Info Raspberry PI (Read all the information of the connected device)
- Pinout and diagrams
- Wake On Lan (Use Raspberry PI to send “WakeOnLan” magic packets)
- Shutdown
- Reboot
3. RasPi Check
- Monitor status like overclocking information (frequency, temperature, volts) and more system information (free memory, runtime, disk status.
- Restart or halt your Raspberry Pi.
- Homescreen widget.
4. RaspiManager
- SSH Scripts (and you´re able to save and load them)
- Monitoring using RPi-Monitoring (automated installation)
- Update & Upgrade your Distribution automated
- Install Software fully automated (e.g. Docker, Nextcloud, Grafana, …)
- GPIO Control (32 GPIO controlable)
- Raspi Management with Shutdown and Reboot Option
5. RaspManager
- Allows restart and shutdown your Raspberry Pi ® remotely.
- Allows mount and dismount drives and filesystems remotely.
- Allows kill process remotely
- Allows copy, cut, paste and delete folders and files from your smartphone.
- Allows send folders and files from your smartphone to your Raspberry Pi ®.
- Allows copy, cut, paste and delete folders and files from your Raspberry Pi ® remotely.
- Allows receive folders and files from your Raspberry Pi ® to your smartphone.
- Allows download files to your Raspberry Pi ®, setting the download link.
- Terminal
- Camera: For those who have the Pi Camera you can take photos and preview it on your smartphone (in continuos development)
6. Pi HealthCheck
- Supports multiple Raspberry Pi
- Restart / Shutdown options
- Auto discovers your Pi on the network
- Temperature (warns when over 50C)
- Uptime
- CPU Load Average (warns when over 90%)
- SD Disk Usage
- USB storage usage
7. PiHelper
- Monitor CPU, memory, disk usage, processes and/or temperature statics in realtime.
- Control GPIO
- SSH Terminal
- SFTP / File browser
- Browse files and directories. Easy upload, download, rename and delete.
- Single tap to reboot / halt server. Custom commands are also supported.
8. SimplePi for Raspberry Pi
- Monitor CPU, Memory, Temperature, Disk Usage, and Clock activity.
- Run commands on your Pi with a single tap. Want to have your own commands? No problem. SimplePi lets you add as many commands as you wish. Additionally, you can manage your commands in groups.
- Terminal shell.
- View and export command results and logs automatically. The results history allows you to view the results of previous commands.
- Browse Files and Folders in a file browser-like experience. View and export files.
- Manage multiple Pi.
- Key Authentication
- iCloud sync.
- App lock.
- Home screen widgets.
- Siri integration.